Most of the symbolic rites have very ancient and distant origins (many rites recall English, Scottish, Celtic but also Indian traditions), above all the majority of symbolic rites are chosen because the couple wants to unite through the blessing of one or more elements of nature.
However, there is a very beautiful and ancient ritual, which finds its origins in the Bible and in particular in the Old Testament. We are talking about the braiding ritual: a ritual that is a symbol of union and Alliance with God. It is especially recommended for “Christian” or mixed “Christian and Muslim” couples because both religions share the Old Testament.
This beautiful and ancient rite refers to a verse found in the old testament (Ecclesiastes more specifically the wisdom books/book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verse 10/12) It is better to be two than just one, because they will get better compensation for the their effort. For if they fall, one raises the other up.
But woe to those who are alone: if they fall, they have no one to pick them up. Furthermore, if two people sleep, they are warm; but how does one person keep warm? If one is attacked, two can resist: a three-strand rope does not break very quickly. In short, during the ritual, there will be three ropes: the central one represents God and those the spouses who choose to intertwine their lives around God, by placing God at the center of their life, in this way the union is “symbolically” created and a knot will be tied at the end of the braid, also called the God knot.
How the union rite takes place and what the celebrant will do: The rope with three ends must be held in the hand of the celebrant at the time of the wedding vows. The central rope represents God and those on the sides represent the spouses. Subsequently there will be the action of intertwining the ropes and closing them with a knot (God’s Knot). During the celebration, biblical readings that the spouses have chosen previously can be included because they represent them. The guests can participate thanks to collective prayers of blessing for the spouses. The promises must be chosen in agreement with the spouses and asking for God’s presence and blessing in their lives. The exchange of rings can be a very emotional moment especially if accompanied by songs and prayers.
Who it is recommended for: For people who wish to unite their lives in the presence of God, for those who have no other ongoing relationships, for those who have never been married, for those who are divorced and awaiting a dissolution of Christian marriage, all the people who have a great faith but for a matter of conscience I strongly advise against it to all those people who have situations still in existence (they are still officially and legally married to other people) in short everyone knows their own history and the own heart and everyone will be able to open it to God during the ceremony. God knows how to read love, sincerity and truth in the hearts of each of us.
If you want to give a legal value to all this ritual which is already beautiful in itself, you can contact Roberta d’Esposito Event Planner, the first wedding planner to have invented the symbolic ritual with legal value.